
Selasa, 26 April 2016

Berasal dari apakah BENANG itu?

Langsung to the point aja ya, Apakah teman teman tahu bagaimana benang dibuat?

Bahan untuk membuat benang dilihat dari segi sumbernya ada dua jenis, yaitu bahan yang berasal dari alam dan bahan sintetis atau buatan

Bahan yang berasal dari alam bisa diperoleh dari tumbuhan dan hewan. Contoh bahan yang berasal dari tumbuhan, misalnya kapas, kulit pohon rami, rosela, serat batang pisang manila, serat daun nanas, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan yang berasal dari hewan, misalnya serat kepompong ulat sutera, bulu domba, dan lain-lain

Sedangkan bahan sintetis adalah bahan yang diperoleh dengan cara mengolah bahan yang berasal dari sumber alam melalui proses tertentu.  Salah satu contohnya adalah polyester. Polyester ini diperoleh dari hasil penguraian dan oksidasi bahan minyak bumi. Selain poyester masih ada lagi bahan lainnya, polybright misalnya.

Kemudian bagaimana cara membuat benang?

Prinsip dasar membuat benang sebenarnya sangat sederhana. Benang terbentuk karena adanya dua sebab, yaitu tarikan dan pelintiran ( drafting dan twisting ) terhadap bahan yang dijadikan benang tadi. Tarikan yang menyebabkan serat-serat benang terurai memanjang. Dan pelintiran yang menjadikan serat-serat benang tadi saling mengikat, sehingga terus memanjang tak terputus-putus.

1. Proses pemintalan
Setelah proses penyortiran serat kain yang akan digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan benang, proses selanjutnya adalah tahapan pemintalan. Pemintalan merupakan proses dimana serat yang relatif pendek disejajarkan satu sama lain agar menjadi ukuran tertentu lalu dipilin supaya serat-seratnya tidak terlepas untuk menghasilkan pintalan benang.
Secara umum proses pemintalan benang dibagi atas tahap-tahap berikut :
  1. Proses pemisahan serat-serat mentah menjadi gumpalan-gumpalan serat atau serat tunggal.
  2. Mencampur untaian-untaian serat.
  3. Membersihkan serat mentah.
  4. Carding / memisahkan serat menjadi elemen tunggal
  5. Doubling menyambung ikatan-ikatan serat
  6. Peregangan ikatan-ikatan benang
  7. Twisting / memelintir serat- serat benang
Proses pemintalan benang sendiri dibagi menjadi proses tradisional dan menggunakan mesin
Mesin blowing dan scotching Tujuan proses ini adalah menghasilkan serat mentah dari bal padat ,mencampur macam-macam jenis serat mentah sesuai dengan mutu hasil yang diinginkan, melepaskan menjadi jumbai-jumbai serat kecil agar dapat membuang benda-benda asing, nep (simpul serat-serat kecil yang kusut), nap ( gumpalan serat yang relatif besar atau serat yang kusut, yang sebagian besar dari serat mentah), dan serat pedek.
Mesin carding Proses ini memisahkan serat menjadi elemen tunggal, mengeluarkan kotoran-kotoran dan serat pendek, dan menjajarkan serat sejajar mungkin satu dengan lain.

Mesin Sisir (Combing Machine) Tujuannya adalah untuk menghilangkan serat-serat pendek dalam ikatan serat disebut sliver, meluruskan serat-serat panjang dan mensejajarkannya dan menghilangkan nep dan abu.
Benang  yang dibuat melalui sisiran disebut benang sisir dan yang dihasilkan dengan melewati mesin sisir dinamakan benang card. 

Mesin Roving
Tujuannya mengecilkan sliver sampai ukuran yang cocok untuk dipintal. Oleh karena itu pada proses roving sliver dipilin untuk member kekuatan yang cocok. Fungsinya sliver yang telah dimasukkan ke mesin telah ditarik pada bagian tarik, dipilin oleh flayer ke alat roving dan digulung untuk membentuk bobbin roving.
Mesin Pintal Tujuannya menarik roving atau sliver hingga ukuran yang diinginkan dan untuk member pilinan yang tepat untuk mendapatkan kekuatan yang diinginkan.

Senin, 25 April 2016

For U my Friend, english version

Good evening all , (i mean when i am writing this blog),. like what i have said before. Finally, i made it in English version. You only need a standard guitar keys such as;

C G Am Em, F G C
A bond was made, From you, from me, from them and for Everyone
We've made a promise together, forever, Which will never be forgotten

Am Em F G
From you to me, and From me to you
Your Promise for me, My promise for you

Am Em F G
Which always give me feeling peace and calm
And i will always treat you, as a precious one
Which give me some powers to be stronger
And i will never be, without of you "my firend"

C G Am Em, F G C
In this day i want you, to raise your smile, you are so pretty, my friend
Lets make today as a meaningful story
Which will never be Forgotten

Am Em F G
From you to me, and From me to you
Your Story for me, My story for you

Here is the video,. i have a crazy idea, for this song to be sung in other languages also 3:)

Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Donating blood

This afternoon 23rd April 2016, i went to Blood Bank. We usually call it PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia). I am a regular blood donor, with O blood type. How could i be a donor? it was long ago around 2010, when i was working in photo copy service. My boss asked me to send some packages of notes that the blood bank had reserved it before. I went there with a bunch of packages, and gave it to them. That time i have no idea about what my blood type was. So, i asked them, "how could i know my blood type?" One of the staff there told me that i could do a blood type test with around Rp. 6.000 (consider it as half USD). So, i decided to go back to borrow money to my grandmother that lived near there. I was super penniless. When i wanted to step out there, the same staff told me if i wanted to donate my blood there, i could know my blood type for free, i thought for a moment then i said "yes". That time,. (until now) "free" is something wonderful for me.

I felt unsure that time. I was afraid of the shot, the needle, and imagine the pain that i would feel there. One of the staff in charge, she kept reassuring me by telling it would be fine. First, the officer laid in a bed while the officer checked my blood pressure, she was checking a hemoglobin (Hb) level by some small device and she said that i have enough Hb to process the blood donation. I laid in the bed, then the officer checked my blood pressure. It seemed fine for them and she started to shot me with the needle that connected into blood plastic bag. I was closing my my eyes expecting what kind of painful felling that i would feel that time.

Blood Plastic Bag
It was surprising actually, since it did "Not Hurt At All". Being bitten by fire ant was 10x more painful than the needle shot. It went fast, less than 10 minutes. Then i got a package consisted of snack and multivitamin due to my voluntary (i was only looking for a free blood test) job that i had done. That was my first blood donation.

So, what happened this afternoon was i donated my blood and i got a snack package, it was a bit different from before, they gave me a boiled egg, i liked it that much. Now they change that egg into a supplementary drink. Usually, after i have donated my blood, i would easily catch a cold, but that is not a big deal anyway. So this afternoon, it had never happened before, i felt cold all my body, the temperature was humid, but i turned off my fan. I was feeling unwell this afternoon. I was lucky my friend treated me a chicken Noodle, but i still felt dizzy. After i finished my work i laid my self home for a bit, then as usual, played computer right after that. After some hours, by the time i am writing this blog, i have felt good. :D

I have may favorite month to do a blood donation, First is January, since i would have a free new calendar from them. Second is April, somehow April is an important day in my office. Third is July since ,. ugh, nothing special in that month. The last one, Forth is October, since it is also another important day in my office.

It is my 16th donation, :D. When i reach my 100th, i would meet Mr. President. I am looking for that time. Wish me luck.
I think that is my hand
the package
the package that i have got is consisted of A blood supplementary pills, wafer snack, pocary sweat drink, chocolate milk, and instant noodle. 

Kamis, 21 April 2016

For U my friends, an original song

Hi friends, i don't want to brag but I do have super super strong internet connection, at least that is what i am thinking now. So i think i should use it wisely, like video streaming all day, download random things, and soon. Recently i thought an idea to make my own video, in a mysterious way,. you know, i am not completely an artist.

So, i decided to upload something, in this case, my own song. I made this song years ago. When i was around 17. This song is telling about a friend, a feeling when you have friends that leave you, how friend can make you feel stronger, and many good things happen when you are together with u friends

i believe that this song is a good one. I am super creative person, so u can believe me also. Hahaha. It just crossed my mind some time, you have made something, then it is a total waste if peoples don't know it. Lets not really care about their opinion as long as we believe that we aren't doing any crime or breaking the rules. It is ok for us to be called crazy anyway. That is where an art comes from. So, i will put you comments behind. So, this is the song and lyric. Oh, anyway,. it is in indonesian version, but i have my plan to make it in english and japanese version if possible. Wish me luck.

that is my hands writing, hahaha,.
Listen to song in Youtube
