
Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

Practice writting 1

I and Ann are good friend. One day, I saw her in a deep thought, so I came and asked her, “What is the matter? A penny for your thought?”.
 “This is supposed to be secret, but since you are my best friend, I will tell u.”, she smiled, ” I got dumped by Brian yesterday.”
I lost my words, I tried to think a way to cheer her up, so I told her, “Tomorrow is my birthday, do you want to eat out?”.
“Oh, really? Happy Birth,. ups. That will be for tomorrow.” She was surpised. “Sure, Where will we eat?”
I could see a little smile on her, it seemed that the far away thought had altered somehow. One of my skill is lying, so it was an easy thing to lie about my birthday.
 “I haven’t really thought about the place yet, but I plan to watch the Cinema in Galaxy Mall. For the restaurant, Lets cross the bridge when we come to it.”
“Go to Cinema? I would like it. It is on you, isn’t it?” Asked her to make sure.
“Yes, it is on me.”  I smiled. “Tomorrow at 9 AM. Are u ok with it?”
“Yes, I will be waiting. Pick me up!” she answered with a wide smile.
It was good to know that she felt better. We parted, I went home.
At night, I had to call off my plan to hang out with other friends for watching movie with Ann. Somehow, one of my friends got annoyed because of my cancellation. It was not a big deal, I believed that every cloud had a silver lining.
At the promised day, when I wanted to pick her up, my motor bike’s machine broke down. I was afraid that Ann might be waiting for me, so I called her by phone. Her mother picked the call up and told me that Ann was still sleeping.
“Do you want me to wake her up?” asked Ann’s Mother.
“No, it is ok, Madam. I will call again later.” answered me shortly. Sometimes, it was good to let sleeping dogs lie.
I went to my neighbor to borrow motorbike. I told him that my motor bike was broken, and I had to do group learning in University, and he believed in me. I didn’t want to be caught dead using his motor bike to hang out with girl. If that happened, my pride would fall over in front of him and Ann.
Continued for next idiom …

A penny for your thoughts
A way of asking what someone is thinking

 eat out
To eat out is to eat away from home, at a cafe or restaurant.

Cross that bridge when you come to it
Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before.

To call off something
To call off something (or call something off) is to cancel a planned event, or an event that has already started.

Every cloud has a silver lining
Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days.

break down
 My washing machine has broken down.
 If you break down you are unable to control your feelings and you start to cry.

Let sleeping dogs lie
Meaning - do not disturb a situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications.

believe in
 To believe in something is to have a strong belief that something is good or right.

Wouldn't be caught dead
Would never like to do something

fall over
 To fall over is to fall to the ground from an upright position.

Idiom from a friend_gudrun

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